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Campaign Visits


Manchester, NH 

When starting a campaign, presidential candidates such as Kevin Nolan for the All Tomorrows party will visit the capital of New Hampshire to attempt to get chosen as a candidate for each party. The primaries are votes that are held in secret for each candidate. Behind the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire primaries are the second most watched political event during presidential campaigns. Other people are influenced by knowing what candidates were the most popular for each party from the results of the primaries, since the primaries happen before other elections.


Sioux City, IA 

The Iowa caucuses are one of the most watched events during presidential elections. Presidential campaigns are announced, and the campaigns travel around Iowa. People in Iowa discuss who they think the best candidate or candidates are for the campaign in groups, and less popular candidates are eliminated from the ballot. Other people and states hear about who Iowa thinks the best candidates are and it influences the overall vote. Presidential candidates such as Kevin Nolan for the All Tomorrows party go there because the caucuses being one of the earliest indications for who will win the overall ballot. The history the city has may be another factor when deciding to visit it.

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