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Preposed Policies

Standardized Testing:

The quality of education in the United States has declined compared to other countries since the ‘80s. Individuals that do not considered changing standardized tests an option often did not have other characteristics colleges looked for such a high-grade point average or extracurriculars, and only had high test scores. However, these tests do not measure skills that people will need in their future. If tests measure these skills, education will improve. The skills that employers value the most are critical thinking and creative thinking. Kevin Nolan and the All-Tomorrows Party wants the best for the students of the United States, and if Nolan is elected in the upcoming 2023 campaign, there will be a new act to replace the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Test Student Success Act (TSSA) will ensure that academic achievement is measured as well as the students ability to achieve in life. All tomorrows will ensure you kids leaning is as effective as possable.

Restrictions on Social Media

More children and teenagers get more distracted by social media today than ever before. While it can be used to increase a person’s willpower, social media is an unnecessary barrier, specifically, Discord. Snapchat agrees with this. Discord has not agreed to some of the restrictions that other platforms have put in place. A couple examples are that notifications can still be seen, even if the app is put on do not disturb; and some schools leave Discord unblocked while more popular websites are. Children or teenagers that enter the app can join random chatrooms that could spread misinformation or harm their mental health. Generally, Discord is considered to be more toxic than other platforms. Teenagers will be more productive at school and at work if Discord is banned. Kevin Nolan and the All-Tomorrows party wants the best for the teenagers of the United States, and if Nolan is elected in the upcoming 2023 campaign, he will endorse a policy for this.

Nuclear Treaty

Nuclear weapons pose the threat of destroying entire countries, so countries should work together to lower these risks. While nuclear weapons can be used to make a country stronger, the potential consequence is too great to chance. Kevin Nolan and the All-Tomorrows want all countries to exist for generations to come. If Nolan is elected in the upcoming 2023 campaign, he will amend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Nations who agree to this treaty must decrease their nuclear weapons stockpile each year and allow an organization to check on this. Signatory nations cannot use nuclear weapons as a first strike and should discuss conflicts before fighting. Nuclear facilities should implement or continue strict safety protocols. Nations should put out nuclear weapons reports and allow inspections. Countries cannot give other countries nuclear weapons and should encourage countries without nuclear weapons to not obtain them.


The Bill of Improved Healthcare by the All Tomorrows party and promoted by Kevin Nolan was designed to give free healthcare to certain people. The Bill of Improved Healthcare would be something those who qualify would need to sign up for on a government website. Those who sign up would need to sign up every year and the window to sign up would be from January 1st to February 1st. Those who sign up and are accepted by the bill would have all surgeries/transplants, needed medical equipment, needed medicine, hospital visits, and needed medical supplies paid for by the government. Some of the requirements to be able to sign up for this bill would be a person must be and American citizen for at least 20 years, be at least 75 years of age, and make no more than 60,000 dollars a year.


Refuge Acceptance

The Bill of Refuge Acceptance Act is designed by the All Tomorrows party and promoted by Kevin Nolan to allow more refugees into the United States. The Bill of Refuge Acceptance is to allow more refugees into the United States through the Attorney General. The Attorney General would use their parole authority to allow any refugees who arrive in the United States who are from Ukraine or Afghanistan. This would mean the U.S. does not need to change its quota system as the parole authority would not need that to change for it to change. The Bill of Refuge Acceptance would have a limit of how many refugees would be allowed into the United States through the Attorney General which would be up to 30,000 refugees from both Ukraine and Afghanistan per year.

College tuition

College tuition is a leading factor in poverty today, due to the fact that it can cost thousands of dollars for a college degree. The Bill of Free Education will ensure the stability of college education and cover the costs of tuition so that the working class may have a brighter future. All student debt will be terminated at the passing of this bill and will be accounted for by The Bill of Foreign Defense. Some will say that college tuition should not be free due to a lack of government funds. This is not true because we have been working to produce sufficient funds to support free college tuition.

Foreign Defense

We are spending thousands of dollars' worth of resources on defending other countries against invasion. This leaves us with less resources for helping the people of America. The Bill of Foreign defense will ensure that our money will only be used in defense of other countries, when necessary, the saved fund that will be made available from this bill shall be allocated towards The Bill of Free Education. Some may say that we should defend other countries in their quarrels, but this is not the best course of action, if we send all our materials to places in need then we will not have enough for ourselves.


The earth is dying, that will be changed by The Bill of Mandatory Recycling. Recycling lowers the cost of making items and can reduce the need for landfills. When energy or products that need fossils fuels to be made are recycled, it decreases the need for the production of fossil fuels. This plan will therefore decrease pollution from fossil fuel production. This bill will be a mandatory law that everyone must follow a recycling plan dictated by Greenpeace Incorporated. Households will be charged based off the amount of trash they have and what they recycle incorrectly. Although this will cost households an average of thirty dollars every month, it will also greatly help the earth. Some will not want to contribute to the recycling program due to the associated fees, but this is a small price to pay for the salvation of the planet.

Improve labor laws

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is hurting companies, and it needs to stop. Though it has benefits there are many flaws. The Fair Labor Standards Act creates multiple laws that force many companies to make less money. It also makes them unable to stop a plethora of unruly employees. We feel that we should remove the Fair Labor Standards Act. It would help corporations make more money. Along with it allowing children to legally work. Lastly, doing this would also bring down the bankruptcies in America. Though there are reasons to keep this act, like how some families will be financially injured by this, the benefits far outweigh the cost. I say we should remove it and replace it with a better system.

Access to Social Media

We feel that social media is bad for a plethora of reasons. First it is a distraction to more useful things; instead you could read a book, work, or study. Second, it rots the brain. There have been multiple studies that show as you watch TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Etc. Your attention span shortens and it makes it harder to focus. All-Tomorrows strongly believe that placing social media under governmental oversight is essential for safeguarding public interests, ensuring responsible information dissemination, and fostering a secure digital environment for all citizens.


Policy Advisories

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